Friday, November 15, 2013

Choosing The Right Veil For You

To some brides, a veil is an absolute must to complete their wedding look. The only issue they have is selecting the perfect veil to go with their wedding gown. (I say "go with" wedding gown because ideally you should chose your wedding gown before your veil.) Here are some great tips provided by The Knot on how to chose the right veil for you. Enjoy!!

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Dotted veil @Stephanie Ponzio ❤️
The eight basic face shapes are: oval, round, oblong, heart, diamond, square, rectangle, and triangle. The first four shapes are soft and curved, while the last four have more angles and corners. To determine your face shape, pull your hair away from your face and study the outer edge. Here's how to tell which category you fall into:
  • If your face is OVAL, it is slightly longer than is it wide, with soft, curved edges.
  • If your face is ROUND, there is equal distance all around, using the nose as a centerpoint. It will be as wide as it is long, with rounded edges.
  • If your face is OBLONG, it will look like an elongated oval. Many oblongs are mistaken for ovals, but when placed next to a true oval you can see that an oblong has added length.
  • If your face is HEART-SHAPED, it's wider at the eye, temple, and cheek area, with a narrow chin. The edges are soft and curved.
  • If your face is a DIAMOND, it's widest at the cheeks, narrow at the chin and
    forehead, with sharper features.
  • If your face is SQUARE, it's basically level at the forehead and down the sides. Your jaw is strong and square, and your chin may stick out a bit. If the distance from the top of your face to your chin matches the width, you have a square face.
  • If your face is REGTANGULAR, it's similar to a square, but longer than it is
  • If your face is TRIANGULAR, it's similar to a heart shape, but the lines and edges are sharper and more angular.
When searching for hair and veil styles, a good rule to keep in mind is "opposites attract."
  • If you're lucky enough to have a DIAMOND- or OVAL-SHAPED face,congratulations -- you're perfectly symmetrical, so your choices areunlimited, as long as they complement your gown, neckline, and proportions.
  • A ROUND, full face will benefit from a veil that falls along the sidesof the face, thus working to help narrow it. As for your wedding hair:Wearing your hair down or in a face-framing bob is the best option.
  • A SQUARE jawline needs softness. Face-framing tendrils will help torelax a strong jaw, and a longer veil will work better than a shortwide one. Many people consider a strong jawline a striking feature, andthe confidant bride will want to show it off.
  • If you have an OBLONG face, complement it with a bit of width. Look forwaterfall veils paired with a wide tiara, wreath, or bun wrap. Stayaway from piled-high hair, which will only make you look moreelongated.
  • If your face is HEART-SHAPED or TRIANGULAR, you'll want to add width atthe jawline. Since most veils will be too full for you, the best choiceis a back piece, where the width shows up behind the neckline. As forhair, a chignon or flipped-up bob is a great look.
  • A RECTANGULAR face will benefit from softness too. Don't be afraid to try more voluminous veils, the poofy quality will make your face look more symmetrical. Paired with a sideswept updo, you can't go wrong.
Photo Credit: Pinterest

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