You might think place cards are formal, fussy, and just another thing you have to do before the wedding but there are easy DIY alternatives that can be done way in advance to the wedding. The DIY below is the perfect example. Actually, it is quite a gem. (haha)
~Monica Hui
Owner, Lead Planner and Designer
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Images from Harwell Photography and instructions from Lemiga Events.
For this project, you will need:
-¼” wood blocks (available at Michaels)
-glue (hot glue or Aleen’s tacky glue work well)
-oversized acrylic gems – I found a big bag of assorted shapes and colors at Michaels, but you can also pick your color and buy in bulk here
-Liquid Gilding in the color of your choice (Optional)
-paint brush (Optional)
1. Use a line of glue at the bottom of each block to glue it to the bottom of the gem. Use a folded piece of paper to leave some space at the top of the block for the escort card to slide in. Let dry.
2. Leave your gem colors as is, or paint them all a uniform metallic with liquid gilding paint. Let dry.
That's it!
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