Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What To Do With Bridal Show Swag

Bridal Expo Calgary was just a couple of weekends ago. If you are like most brides, you collected a ton of information at the show and it is probably all still in the swag bag you got at the show. Rather than tipping over the bag and recycling all the contents, here are some tips on what you can do with all that information:

1) Dump everything out onto the floor/desk/table. Once it is all out of the bag, you are more likely to go through it. Don't take out each thing one by one. You will get tired of the whole process and end up recycling it all. (The point is not to do this, in case you didn't already get this.)

2) Organize the promotional material by categories. All the photographers get put together in a stack, you get it. Once you have everything in stacks, you can then decide which "stacks" are relevant to you. If you have already booked a photographer, you don't need to go through the stack of photographers. Pick out the stacks that are relevant and then move to step 3.

3) Determine your criteria when hiring a vendor. Is it their style, their personality, or the costs of services? Once you know this, go through the promotional materials and filter them down.

4) If you have followed these steps, you should now only be left with a couple of promotional materials for a couple of vendors. This is great! You can now check out their websites for more information or even contact them for a meeting. Having done all of this, you can safely say you didn't waste your energy lugging all of that stuff around the show and you accomplished your goal of potentially finding some awesome vendors!

5) Last step, recycle all the promotional materials that you are not interested in and eat any cake samples you might have found at the bottom of your bag. It should still be good. Cake is always good.

~Monica Hui
Owner, Lead Planner and Designer
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