Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cross Stitch Cookies

In Krista's blog post of last week she mentioned that I am huge DIYer while she is a cooking/baking quasi-DIYer. I truly believe that we amaze each other with our respective talents! Krista would tell me that she made bread or hamburger buns over the weekend and I would say "Huh? You can make those at HOME?!" Of course, she would patiently explain to me that baking at home is totally possible - you just have to follow instructions. (Also, something that is lost on me!)

I came across these cross stitch cookies and totally thought this could be the perfect collaboration project for Krista and I. She can (follow all the instructions and) make the cookies and I can plan out the design and decorate them! These would be totally cute for a bridal shower or party!



  1. Monica, what a great idea! Let's do it :)

  2. It's a great idea to decorating a wedding seating arrangements. Then that love symbol also fantastic. It's superb, thanks to share this one.


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