Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Customized Wedding App for Smart Phones

Everyone has a smart phone these days and everyone is taking pictures with it, even at weddings. One of my friends attended a wedding overseas and showed me the entire wedding on her phone. I didn't even flinch or think anything of it. (My dad freaked out slightly.)

Years ago, it was a cute and chic thing to put disposable cameras on every guest table so that you can get pictures of your wedding through their eyes. The downfall were: You wouldn't get great pictures after your guests had a couple drinks (although funny), you had to take the pictures to get developed, and you had to develop the entire roll of film which is expensive!

If you would still like to see your wedding through your guest's eyes, you can do so digitally, through social media, and on your customized app! The wedding party app allows you to collect pictures from your guest's smart phones as your wedding is happening. (This is a free app too!)

This is how it works, you introduce your app on your wedding website (of course, you would have one!) Your guests download the app and start taking pictures. It is so easy. Just remember though, no matter how good the pictures are from your guests, leave the glamour shots to your professional photographer. This app is in NO WAY to replace him or her.

Owner and Lead Designer

Connect your app to your personalized wedding website.
Your personalized cover page on your app.
Pictures taken by guests are shown instantly on your website! Great way to share with guests unable to attend your wedding!
Your guests can interact with each other and leave comments.
Photo Credits: Wedding Party


  1. Looks a great wedding app to plan your wedding it is really a nice app to work and save your pictures of your wedding celebration.

  2. This is one of the best wedding planning apps i have used. It is easy to save my wedding pic with the help of this app.


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