Friday, February 26, 2016

Featured Vendor: Latte Art Love

If you are a coffee lover and in love, you might want to consider bringing in a professional barista at your wedding! Imagine the special touch of providing all your guests will a special cup of coffee, Definitely a great way to start or end the wedding night! Meet Elle Nguyen of Latte Art Love. Her work is definitely works of art that you will love.

When did you start your business and what was your inspiration?
I was at the Calgary Expo in line for a photo opportunity with Matt Smith. I was curious why there wasn't any "good" coffee available at such a big event. I had attended a tech convention in Vienna the year before and nearly every vendor booth there had barista manned coffee service. Having a fresh cup of coffee in hand made the whole waiting and chaos of the convention so much more tolerable - why didn't we have that right here in Calgary? That's when I started planning the launch of Latte Art Love, a cafe specializing in mobile service of luxury espresso bar services.

What makes your business different from others?
Latte Art Love is all about love for latte art and latte art demands for coffee obsessed baristas. Great latte art is best when it is made from fresh, quality ingredients and made by a barista who understands the science and art of coffee.

What is the best part of your job?
R & D. I experiment a lot to coffee recipes to find the best pairings for flavors and textures and test out the concoctions on curious taste buds. Gather up all the feedback and adjust the recipes accordingly to maximize drink satisfaction.

What do you hope to achieve with each wedding?
Better connect people together for an event by providing an inspiring icebreaker for conversations.

What was your most memorable wedding?
Alison and Joel's wedding was the most memorable for me. They are huge coffee fans - we set up coffee service in the event venue's bar and turned it into a luxury cafe and during the wedding, they had a coffee trivia game for their guests.

Words that you live by?
Find and build a support system of close friends/family that is based on honesty and understanding. Then, fly free and far. Then when you fall on hard times, you know you have a supportive home to return to.

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